Life intellectual and urban sociability: Bethlehem of in
Citation: Coelho GM Life intellectual and urban sociability: Bethlehem of in rubber belle epoque (1880-1910) J His Arch & Anthropol Sci 2018;3(2):186–191 DOI: 10 15406/jhaas 2018 03 00082
Inequality Regimes: A Global History Thomas Piketty NYU
and London in 1880-1914, one needs to wait until 2000-2020 → Extreme and rising inequality during Europe’s Belle Epoque (1880-1914) shows that « modernity » and a vibrant marketeconomy can come with enormous inequality and social tensions (domestic and external)
Figure 56 Extreme patrimonial inequality: Europes
Europe's proprietarian societies during the Belle Epoque (1880 -1914) Bottom 50 Next 40 Top 10 Interpretation The share the richest 10 in total private property (all assets combined: real estate, business and financial assets, net of
« La Belle Époque » Imaginaire, nostalgie et construction du
CHARLE Christophe, Naissance des intellectuels, 1880-1900, Paris, Minuit, 1990 CONKLIN A, A Mission to Civilize The Republican Idea of Empire, 1895-1930, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1997 DATTA V , Birth of a National Icon The Literary Avant-Garde and the Origins of the Intellectual in France, Albany, Sunny Press, 1999
1850 1853 1856 1859 1862 1865 1868 1871 1874 1877 1880 1883 1886 1889 1892 1895 1898 1901 1904 1907 1910 1913 1916 1919 1922 1925 1928 3 percentage increased to 29 3 in 1911-1913 and before the
4 fece la prima trasmissione radiotelegrafica attraverso l’Oceano Atlantico Pochi anni dopo dall’invenzione dell’automobile ci furono gare di automobilismo, e nel 1906 in Francia ci fu il primo Gran Premio
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